
Why Become a Recovery Friendly Workplace?

Recovery Friendly Workplaces encourages healthy and safe working environments where employers, employees, and communities can collaborate to create positive change, eliminate stigma, and support recovery. Click here for more information.

Benefits of Recovery Friendly Workplaces in NM

Benefits to Business

  • Reduced Turnover
  • Cost Savings for training and retaining employees
  • Loyalty and empathy in the workplace for and by employees
  • Increased production by reducing absenteeism
  • Send a strong message to current and potential employees about the
  • positive culture of your workplace

Benefits to NM Economy & Communities

  • Reduced unemployment
  • Reduced population depending on State Assistance
  • Reduced crime that occurs to support drug and alcohol addiction
  • Parent will be able to pay child support and be a positive influence on their children

Benefits to People with Substance Use Disorder (SUD)

  • Employment path for people with SUD
  • Transparency for the employee about their situation when they’re hired
  • Recovery Support provided during work
  • Self-confidence, self-esteem and hope for a better life restored

What Does Addiction Cost The Economy & Communities?

The CDC reports a drain on the American economy of $249 billion loss:










Criminal Justice



Statistics for NM Substance Abuse Disorder

As A new mexico business owner, what can i do?

When substance use affects the health of your organization, there’s a new direction in how to handle it. It’s called the Recovery Friendly Workplace initiative – and it can take your business to better morale, better bottom-line performance, and happier, healthier, loyal, long-term employees. Being a Recovery Friendly Workplace is good economic policy. It’s also good HR and healthcare policy.

Business Owner Panel

Volunteer for business owner panel to complete designing the Recovery Friendly Workplaces of New Mexico program

Join the Board

Volunteer to be on the board for Recovery Friendly Workplaces of New Mexico.

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Donate money to Recovery Friendly Workplaces of New Mexico a 501(c)3 non-profit.